Wednesday, June 15, 2016


5 x 7 oil
Ginny Lewis

Many times when we paint out on Wednesdays it takes me a while to get my vision for what I will paint.  Today promised to be overcast and hazy light, and there was  And then I happened to see one of our painters, Virginia Lewis, setting up to paint in this lovely blue shirt.  I am just as happy to paint a model outside as I am to paint a garden.   I did a smart thing and painted the figure first after laying in the lights and darks on top of my drawing.  She was free to move around about an hour after I started, and I could complete the painting and work on the background, or negative space, around her.  She is a lovely, kind person, and a good painter who likes to wipe her canvas down from time to time.  She also enjoys snacks and lunch after we paint, as do I.  As do all of us.

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